currently working on a number of hard and soft landscaping elements for the Barnwood park submission later this year. Some initial sketches (colour rendered) and a section line for the proposed café, facilities and wooden forest walkway.
The first two show a rough plan for the café and facilities. You can see from the first image that the green roof in place will help to store rainwater, as well as naturally cleaning any grey water before draining back into the water table.
As you can see from the plan, the café will be on the top of some banking, with a raised veranda overlooking the southern end of Barnwood Park.
below is a quick sketch of the PROPOSED wooden walkway, which will be constructed through an area of the edible forest garden, and will ENcircle the outer perimeter of the largest retention pond. This will allow local residents and visitors a way to safely interact with the planting, AS WELL AS CREATING A FEELING OF ENCLOSURE TO THE USER.
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