North Place ideas - Car Parking

I've included a couple of sketches for my car parking solution at North Place. 

The main idea here is that the car park will be dug down, providing a four story parking solution at the east side of the site (opposite St Gregory's Church).  

Providing parking for 800 vehicles - including electric vehicles - according to the brief, could hypothetically take up a large area of the site and dominate the space with it's sheer size. By digging down, I feel that this issue has been somewhat neutralised. By adding EV parking on the roof next to the proposed garden area, I have created an area of relative calm and quiet in the centre of a busy town.

The access for the car park will come from Portland Street. I propose the existing North Place road be made one way (N-S), and only accessible for electric vehicles.

More to follow, specifically regarding roof access among other things.
